I’m sure you’ll remember that a while back I was dreaming about owning a pair of black sequined leggings. Not anymore! I was so keen on those black sparkling beauties, I wanted to actually own a pair. In current reality.
That went well. From the second I set my mind to it to the second I tried on a pairof black sequined leggings on me own two legs! I was happily touching my dream! You’d think my dreamwas happily brought to reality-light ? No-oh! You know those gazillions sequins? My skin was getting to know them! And it wasn’t too pleased about it ! I had to take the gorgeous pair of blacksequined leggings off as fast as I could (that moment, I wish I had some super powers, to make it go even faster!). Just so you know, I think Freud was right with all your frustrations reaching out to you in your sleep! That dream about owning a pair of black sequined leggings? I had it because it’ll never happen!
That went well. From the second I set my mind to it to the second I tried on a pairof black sequined leggings on me own two legs! I was happily touching my dream! You’d think my dreamwas happily brought to reality-light ? No-oh! You know those gazillions sequins? My skin was getting to know them! And it wasn’t too pleased about it ! I had to take the gorgeous pair of blacksequined leggings off as fast as I could (that moment, I wish I had some super powers, to make it go even faster!). Just so you know, I think Freud was right with all your frustrations reaching out to you in your sleep! That dream about owning a pair of black sequined leggings? I had it because it’ll never happen!
Now let me daydream about a pair of black sequined socks! Straight from Miu Miu (both socks and shoes), ready to convince me to a quick DIY session! What say you?